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Monetize your Audience

Heart Emoji Reaction

Introducing Ad Wall

How it works?

One page, six ads, just share it


Computer screen showing a registration form, a privacy and settings icon.

Create your own Wixi account to access your dashboard


Reaction, notification and message emojis hovering over a human hand.


Copy and share your Ad Wall link with your audience


A young man sitting with a laptop, illustrations of multimedia content and graphics floating around him.


You earn money for every person who visit it

A smartphone depicting a bar graphic that overflows the screen viewport.

From visits to real earnings

Unlock the potential of your online presence by sharing your advertising link and earning up to $1 for every 200 visits or 20 ad clicks.

Whether you're a content creator, influencer, or website owner, seize the opportunity to monetize your audience.

Active advertising

Want more options?

Broaden your reach with WixiBot for your primary social media networks while rewarding each member of your audience with $1 for every 20 ad clicks.


By rewarding your audience for their engagement, you'll help foster long-term activity and motivate them to collaborate with you.

A purple and yellow smartphone depicting a hand with a megaphone coming out of the screen. Emojis portraying reactions, messages, notifications and more floating around it.